A Wordy Woman's GuideA Wordy Woman's Guide was created with a tenacious spirit and an enormous vision: offer resources that empower aspiring, female authors. |
Dawn Husted, CreatorI wrote my first book in 2008. At that time, I didn’t know the difference between a short story, novella, and a novel. And I didn’t know the first thing about writing. Fast forward eight years, I'm the author of five books, owner of Yaupon Berry Press, and a member of SCBWI and Texas Association of Authors. Having completed skills test, I also work as a freelance writer and developmental editor. I'm passionate about the Oxford comma and love a well-structured plot. You can find out more about my services from my author website. If I'd had A Wordy Woman's Guide when I first began writing, I wouldn't have made countless mistakes and wasted hours of my time. I hope A Wordy Woman's Guide will help you start in a much better place! Follow Dawn on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. |